Pre-Order Policy

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Pre-Order Terms and Conditions

  • 1. Pre-Order Process:
    • Pre-booking allows customers to reserve a specified product before its official launch, availability, or restocking.
    • Customers must provide personal information, including their name, contact details, and payment information, to complete the pre-Order process.
    • By pre-booking, customers express their interest in the product or service and agree to comply with these terms and conditions.
  • 2. Pre-Order Fee:
    • A pre-order fee may be required to secure the reservation.
    • This fee is non-refundable unless otherwise specified in these terms and conditions.
    • The pre-order fee is set at 60% of the final purchase price and will be treated as a deposit towards the product or service.
  • 3. Product/Service Availability:
    • Pre-order does not guarantee the immediate availability of the product.
    • Customers will be notified of the estimated delivery or availability date.
    • The actual delivery or availability date may change due to unforeseen circumstances such as manufacturing delays or supply chain issues. In such cases, customers will be promptly informed of any changes.
  • 4. Cancellation and Refunds:
    • The pre-order fee may be non-refundable, as outlined in these terms and conditions.
    • If the customer cancels after the product has been shipped, the regular refund policy will apply.
  • 5. Price and Payment:
    • The pre-order fee does not represent the final purchase price unless explicitly stated.
    • Customers will be informed of the final purchase price and any additional charges or taxes before completing the transaction.
    • Payments for pre-orders can be made through various methods, including debit cards, online payment platforms, or bank transfers.
    • Customers are responsible for providing accurate and up-to-date payment information.
  • 6. Limitations of Liability:
    • The company or seller is not liable for any delays, damages, or losses incurred during the pre-booking process unless caused by their negligence or breach of contract.
    • The company or seller reserves the right to cancel or terminate the pre-booking at any time, with or without cause. In such cases, the customer will be notified and provided with a refund of any pre-booking fees paid.
  • 7. Governing Law:
    • These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the jurisdiction where the company or seller is based.
    • Any disputes arising from or related to the pre-order shall be resolved following the applicable laws and regulations.

By proceeding with the pre-order, the customer acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions.